Data curation

Last updated: November 26, 2023

Data curation


Data curation is essential for good performance and the efforts needed to filter, clean and prepare training data is often under-estimated and not very much appreciated. However, without proper data curation it basically comes down to the “garbage in - garbage out” effect. Data size is important but data quality should not be neglected.

Monolingual data

Various pipelines exist for monolingual data curation but no one-size-fits-all solution can be found. Depending on the purpose, source and language, various steps need to be taken into consideration. Many big data sets come from open web crawls leading to the big mess that can be expected from the unrestricted sources on the internet.

The HPLT project extracts large quantities of monolingual texts from internet crawls and archives. HPLT software is released on Github for extracting monolingual text. It makes use of the monotextor pipelines.

Another pipeline for data preparation has been developed by the BigScience project.

Yet another iniative is taken by the OSCAR project with Ungolian pipeline for corpus creation from web crawls.

Parallel data

OPUS is a major hub of parallel texts collected from various sources. The repository provides a consistent interface for aligned trabslation data and the project curates parallel data for large-scale machine translation research and development.

The Tatoeba translation challenge is derived from OPUS and compiles the various resources into a consistent dataset with dedicated train, dev and test splits.

Corset is a toolbox for tailoring parallel data to specific needs.

Other tools for parallel data curation are: